Emergency Communications are alive and well in Mercer County.
Mercer County ACS
ACS is the Auxiliary Communication Service.
Mercer County ACS provides the function of both RACES and ARES.
County Simplex Frequency 146.550
Mercer County is part of the Western Pennsylvania ARES organization Western Pennsylvania ARES Website.
To join ARES, please go here: ARES Connect sign-up.
Here is a good write up from the ARRL about the difference between ARES and RACES
Here is a link to the ARRL official ARES website Official ARRL ARES Website.
Here is a link to the Pennsylvania official ACS website Official Pennsylvania ACS Website.
Mercer County's EC and Radio Officer is Mike Varga (NR3C).
Questions about ACS membership can be directed to Mike Varga (NR3C)
ACS Membership Requirements:
IC-100b Link to FEMA Training
IC-200b Link to FEMA Training
IC-700a Link to FEMA Training
IC-800b Link to FEMA Training
Participation in at least 3 drills, public service events, or events per year
Attend at least 2 quarterly meetings per year
Uniforms: ARRL Polo Shirts
Pennsylvania State Police Background check renewed every 2 years.
Child Welfare Account - Please Submit an application online by first creating a Child Welfare Account and completing the information electronically through the Child Welfare Portal
SKYWARN Training
NOT Required, but recommended: Hazmat Recognition class offered through the county.
Here is a link to our neighbors to the south -> Lawrence County RACES / ARES